Hey there,
this is my portfolio

I am a React developer specializing in presenting data in a fun and engaging manner.

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Fantasy Football

Using the fantasy football Sleeper API I created a webpage to share with my fantasy football league. It currently shows all matchups, head to head history, and championship history

  • React
  • Javascript
  • Styled Components


While building it you're going to learn many advanced React & JavaScript topics, as well as how to use Stripe for card transactions. On top of that, at the end of the video, you will have this unique and complex webshop app that you will be able to add to your portfolio. And trust me, e-commerce applications are impressive.

  • React
  • JavaScript

WebRTC App

This is a code repository for the corresponding YouTube video. In this tutorial, we're going to build and deploy a React Video Chat Application using WebRTC.

  • React
  • WebRTC


This is a code repository for the corresponding video tutorial. In this video, we will create a full Realtime Chat Application

  • React
  • ChatEngine
  • Firebase


I've worked with several technologies in the web development sphere. I'm always excited to learn more.

  • Front-End

    I have experience with React.js

  • Back-end

    I have experience with Node and Mongo

About Me

My goal is to be proficient in the MERN stack and to gain full-time employment in the field. I am a self taught developer balancing a full-time career while learning.

Personal Accomplishments


Projects built


Courses completed


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Github Stars